Jenn Hallak

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National Hydration Day | 4 Tips for Drinking More Water

Sponsored with love by AQUA Carpatica

It’s National Hydration Day and what better way to celebrate than to give you some of my best hydration tips! We all know that hydration is important for your skin, for you health and just your overall well being. So a little back story:

I hate water.

What a way to introduce the topic, huh? I promise I'm going somewhere with this. So I know it sounds silly but I just don’t like the taste of water. I’ve tried water brands from bottles, tap water, iced water, room temperature water and I’ve just never liked the my past, that is. (I'll tell you about the one brand of water I genuinely love the taste of) People will say to me — water has no taste so how could you dislike it? I think that’s just it.

I like flavor. I love flavor, actually. So getting myself to drink water is like pulling teeth. But I know I need to do it so here are some of my tips for drinking more water:


1. AQUA Carpatica

So many people say they’re "water brand snobs” and dislike certain brands and will only drink certain brands. Welp, I’ve officially joined the club. This stuff is liquid gold — it’s delicious! 

AQUA Carpatica has got flat water (their Natural Spring Water) and bubbly water (their Natural Sparkling Spring Water, which happens to be my fave) and you’d never believe there’s no flavor added in there. It’s insane and you probably think I’m crazy saying that but just wait until you taste this stuff. It’s the most delicious water brand I’ve ever tasted and I’m never turning back!

AQUA Carpatica's sparkling mineral water is naturally carbonated by ancient subterannean volcanoes, not machines. Over 650 feet under the earth, a blanket of metamorphic rock protects the water as it mixes with underground CO2, giving AQUA Carpatica its unique, nature-made bubbliness. AQUA Carpatica flows from the protected Paltinis Spring, in the heart of the Carpathian Mountains of Romania, where it’s bottled responsibly at the source.

In the heart of the Carpathian Mountains of Romania, pristine spring water flows underground from the protected Bajenaru Spring. AQUA Carpatica spring water is responsibly captured to naturally preserve its ideal mineral content, balanced pH, and unmatched pure taste.


2. Use a Straw

I don’t know what it is about straws but I seem to chug far more water when I drink water from a straw. Try it out!


3. Lemon

If you want to switch it up a bit every now and then, try a squeeze of lemon. It works wonders and it’s great for you digestive health. Not that you need it in side that delicious AQUA Carpatica but hey, we all love a little variety once in a while.


4. Buy yourself a new tumbler.

You know how when you buy new workout clothes you get more excited about working out? Well for me, it’s the same with a fun new tumbler. It makes me chug-a-lug all day long!

So there you have it — My 4 tips for increasing your water intake. Now in honor of National Hydration Day, let’s start the day off with a delicious bottle of AQUA Carpatica — Who's with me?