Jenn Hallak

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Baby Loot Box Subscription Box

Sponsored with love by Baby Loot Box

Becoming a new parent is overwhelming, to say the least.

What products do I need?
Which products are best?
What is recommended for this and that?
At what age does my baby need this?
Do they really need this at all?

So many questions and to be quite frank, there really is no way of knowing what products your child will like. But without spending hours on end reading forums and comment threads on the most highly recommended products for babies at each age of their growth and development, Baby Loot Box has done all of that for you. And if something is recommended by families over and over again, most likely you're going to love it too!

And that's exact what Baby Loot Box is.

By now, you probably realize how much I love subscription boxes -- Nothing beats someone taking the time to curate a box of highly recommended goodies AND deliver it my door. Every month. I mean, it's totally a no brainer! It's every mom's dream!

Baby Loot Box makes a great gift idea for a new mommy (or any family for that matter), is curated to fit the specific needs of your child at their stage in development and of course, delivers new goodies to your door every month. Products that so many families have fallen in love with are bound to be loved by your baby too!

Use code MOMMY for 25% OFF!