Jenn Hallak

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Double Take On A Water Bottle. Literally.

Sponsored with love by Aqua Carpatica

Fun fact about me: I don't like water. And that's the 100% honest truth. I know it's kind of a funny thing for me to open a blog post saying that I don't like the one thing I'm writing about but hold tight for one second and I'll explain why I needed to get that out.

When I was pregnant with Ava, I had to force myself to drink water. But blahh! I would much rather grab a glass of juice or soda or milk (yes, I love milk) or really anything flavored. I just don't like the taste of flat water, even chilled, but let me tell you this:

That changed in an instant.

I'm really trying to live a healthier lifestyle, as I talk about quite often. We go on almost daily walks (to Starbucks), we dance (a lot) and we are always outside in the backyard playing. I've been doing a great job of staying active without stepping foot in a gym but the next step in my health journey is to get my body nourished with water. I don't think I need to outline the benefits of staying hydrated - We all know that it's a human necessity.

So how am I possibly going to get myself to actually enjoy drinking water?

Aqua Carpatica

Seriously, you guys, we all know that this post is sponsored BUT I'm telling you, this stuff is delicious. It's like, shockingly delicious. Like, I don't have the words to describe it but I'm just saying, you'll know what I mean when you try it. But I will tell you a funny story about it. Here's what happened when I opened up my first bottle to taste it for the first time...

I did a double take.

I did a double take at the label on the bottle. I literally couldn't believe that there was no flavoring added in there. It's just so good. So delicious. I can't stop drinking it and that's a very good thing.

So here's the thing: It's actually healthier than most bottled water we are drinking on a daily basis.

It's nitrate-free. Nitrates are often associated with foods like deli meats and bacon and are also one of the most common contaminants in something everyone consumes daily—drinking water (both bottled and tap). Fortunately, AQUA Carpatica is sourced from the protected Carpathian Mountains and is completely nitrate-free.

It's sodium-free + low in mineral content. Coming from a protected source in Europe's last untouched forest, it is free of the toxic chemicals that can leach into tap and bottled waters from agricultural and industrial activity. These chemicals can cause oxygen deprivation in infants and according to recent study, increase the risk of cancer.

It's naturally carbonated with CO2 from old volcanoes.

I feel like almost everything in life is contaminated with toxins these days in one way or another -- air, water, food, everything. So if I can put pure, healthy water into my body and Ava's, you bet I'm going to do everything in my power to enjoy a long, beautiful and happy life by treating my body right. Why wouldn't you?