Jenn Hallak

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OOTW | Suspender Skirts + Bell-Sleeve Tops

Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography

Okay I officially changed it. We're calling our Thursday posts OOTW from here on out. So here it is, this week's "Outfit of the Week."

I think I like the sound of that ;)

This week has been a, for lack of a better word. Ava is turning two next week and I am totally in denial (aka why the party wasn't planned until this past Sunday), I am at the end of weaning Ava from breastfeeding which is just so bitter sweet, the weather has been pretty whacky (like come on weather man, give us rain or give us sun...but just choose), and this week I've just been totally swamped with campaigns, with endless emails (like seriously, I think everyone and their mother emailed me this week) and I've just been in a little bit of a funk.

But we woke up this morning with smiles on our faces and the sun shining through our bedroom window. [Edit: When Ava woke up at 3:30am this morning and wouldn't go back to sleep and wouldn't stop crying, I definitely didn't have a smile on my face but once she finally fell back asleep and we woke back up at 7am, my smile was shining bright because I got to wake up next to her.]

Thursdays are my favorite day of the work week. Fridays are so un-productive because I just cannot focus, like a giddy kid excited for the weekend, but Thursdays always seem to be a good day. And the fact that I get to show off some super cute kids clothes that I found and super trendy mom clothes too, that makes Thursdays such a great day because...well...I love clothes. Enough said.

Today's super cute kids clothes: Ava's wearing the most adorable bell-sleeve velvet kids top, a darling kids suspender skirt, a little black baby bow, her favorite black kids sunglasses and some kids black boots.

And my mom fashion of the week is super casual and comfy. I'm wearing those 4-button black skinny jeans I was so excited I found last week, a lace button up women's top, and some brown leather ankle boots that I totally adore.

If you love any part of our outfits, click the buttons below to shop. And for today's daily mom devotional, click here and it will take you to today's marriage devotional on keeping that spark alive in your relationship. Hint hint -- it involves getting dressed so this OOTW was the perfect post to go along with it.

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