Jenn Hallak

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BIRTH PHOTOGRAPHY | From Grandma's Point of View

From the grandmother and photographer:

As a photographer and grandmother, I anxiously awaited the time when my daughter would give birth. I flew to Texas to be there not only for the birth but for the preparation which goes into getting ready for this new little bundle. who miraculously appears after what seems like an eternity of pregnancy. I was also there to help with 4 year old sister, who needed a little attention while Mom and Dad were busy with new baby business.

As a mother of five, I am well acquainted with the process and understand fully what goes into it all. Emma was measuring big and all attempts to get this baby out were going nowhere (yes, we tried the crazy stuff), so an induction was scheduled. My way to have a baby! I have shot a few births in delivery rooms...most with epidurals, and one without. I, myself, have experienced birth with no help and know first hand the difference of no drugs vs drugs.

Give me drugs, please.

The sheer idea of facing excruciating pain with each contraction is not fun, might actually be terrifying, if we're going to be honest here. There is a HUGE difference and I think these pictures spell out the story. Emma received an epidural and was relaxed and ready for this baby boy to make his entrance. She even asked me for her lipstick just as the doctor announced she could start pushing. He was born after a few well managed pushes, and no sweat. However it got a little edgy when the nurse had to get on top of her belly and push from the outside when his shoulder became a little lodged. Still no sweat and no pain, and no, I did not get a picture of that. I know my boundaries.

His birth was a dream and she made it look easy.

And a big shout out and thank you Dr Anesthesia for your much needed assistance. That guy might have been Emma's best friend that day. No momma should be without one, in my humble opinion...makes for better pictures too. A mother looking radiant and relaxed while the trauma of birth is going on behind a veil of anesthesia, sounds like a perfect birth to me!

I was able to be there not only as the grandmother of this perfect baby, but one who was able to document it like no other. I have had mothers tell me these images are priceless, and I have to wholeheartedly agree.

Welcome baby boy. We are glad you arrived with such ease.

- Shawna, Bleudog Fotography