Jenn Hallak

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Our Daily Immunity Spray with Propolis

Sponsored by Beekeeper’s Naturals

Let me introduce to you the immunity spray (with propolis) that I swear by. But first, let’s take a step back to about two years ago when we picked up our family and moved from California to Utah.

It was August 2021 (so I guess we’re actually approaching three years now which is crazy to me!) and we picked up our family and moved from Southern California here to Northern Utah having no friends or family here but just loving the idea of starting somewhere fresh in a new state. We had visited a few times and absolutely loved Utah so we figured, why not? We bought our first home without ever seeing it in person, made the two day drive with three kids and a pup and showed up to our new home that we finally got to see for the very first time. Lots of hiccups along the way (like our moving trucks losing everything we owned) but we made it through and fell absolutely in love with this state - the beauty, the community, all of it.

But there was one thing that just wouldn’t leave us alone - SICKNESS.

Now I’m not sure if we were all sick constantly because of the change in climate, being around new people - no clue. But all I know is that the kids were sick non stop. It seemed like there was never a time when someone wasn’t sick. It just kept going from one kid to the next to the next and over to us parents and then circling back again.

It never ended. Until it did.

What did I do differently to make it stop? Supplements. Daily supplements. Daily immunity system boots.

Now here’s where that Beekeeper’s Naturals Immunity Spray with Propolis comes into play - I swear by this stuff.

Fast forward to the year 2023 where it seemed like everyone was sick (minus our family). And not just sick - like everyone we knew was sick for over a week with whatever horrendous bug was going around. And not just here in Utah - it seemed like the whole world got it.

But not the Hallak Family. (I may be jinxing it but I sure hope not!)

We’ve gotten sniffles, minor colds but truly, nothing that has lasted really more than 24 hours. And nothing more than a little runny nose. And guess what we give the kids and ourselves daily… you guessed it!

Propolis Immunity Spray from Beekeeper’s Naturals

I’m sure you’ve heard of it before (I heard about it on Instagram originally over and over and over with so many people saying it works wonders for their families) so every single day without fail, our kids and ourselves get some of that magical propolis immunity spray to help support our immune systems. I will never stop because like I said, I swear by this stuff!

So what is Propolis?

So what is propolis anyways? I’m going to be your Google for a second and give you a quick rundown of what propolis is:

Propolis is the “bodyguard of the beehive” and is what keeps germs out to protect the bees. So for us humans, it supports our immune systems, soothes scratchy throats, and combats free radical damange, with over 300+ beneficial compounds including Vitamins B, C and D, Zinc and Antioxidants.

Moral of the Story: It’s our daily immune system support and I’m never stopping. And I’m urging you to jump on board. You can snag it from Target and pssst they’ve got lots of other products we love too!