Jenn Hallak

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Picniic | My Personal Family Assistant

Sponsored with love by Picniic

Growing up in a family of six with parents who encouraged us to keep our schedules full of activities, after school classes, sports, play dates and of course, school. I honestly don’t know how my mom juggled getting us all to our various practices, games, activities and everything else we had going on -- super mom status, to say the least.

I mean, I only have one kid so far and I can hardly keep up with everything we have going on from Ava’s activities, play dates, mom groups, Bible studies, small group, plans with friends. Oh yeah, and of course, photoshoots galore. We pretty much don’t sit still these days and while I love every minute of being busy with activities, the note pad on my phone hasn’t really been cutting it lately.

Where did I put that to do list?
I know I wrote our grocery list somewhere.
What was it that Frank needed me to get while running errands this week?

Is gymnastics class at 9:15am or 9:30am on Tuesdays?

We were late to gymnastics class last week because I totally spaced and forgot Ava had class. Can you believe it? I can't because that is SO unlike me but at some point, our brains go into information overload no matter how organized we are. And let's face it, none of us are perfect. Not to mention, the 34 plus grocery store trips I make each week for dinner ingredients…. because... you know, I need to get better at planning that out before I head out to grocery shop and aimlessly wander, grabbing random items off the shelves and not knowing what I’m going to do with it. Onions? Bananas? Avocado? All of the above? Maybe, just maybe, I’ll find a meal to use these with. [end rant]

Anyways, I am SO excited that I had the chance to try out the Picniic app and gahhh I’m obsessed.

Literally obsessed.

It’s one thing being able to keep my entire life in order but having the ability to do all of this on a shared app with Frank totally makes it the best organization tool that ever happened to me.

- Frank remembers he is out of cold brew? He can add it to our joint grocery list.
- We’re running errands and my phone is accidentally on vibrate in my purse when he calls? He can check the Family Locator to see that yes, they’re at Target once again! And when Ava is old enough to be out and about on her own, that feature is going to be my new best friend.

From calendars, to-do lists, meal planning and so much more, this definitely comes in handy now and as our family grows and we all continue to add more and more to our busy lives, the Picniic app will truly be a lifesaver. Instead of spending all of my time trying to organize our family, I get to spend those precious moments making memories instead. It's for the organization freaks and the "I wish I was more organized" folks too. I think that covers everyone ;)

P.S. The new Pia feature is literally a personal assistant for our family. When mom brain kicks in and you forget about an appointment, she’s there to remind you before it’s too late. Talk about a mom’s best friend! (I've always wanted a personal assistant)