Jenn Hallak

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I Shop Maternity [even when I'm not pregnant]

Sponsored with love by PinkBlush
Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography

I'm probably the most indecisive person you've ever met. Like seriously, never ask me what I want for dinner, what movie we should watch (not even what genre), or what outfit I should put on. I will never know the answer. Ever.

So back in the day when my mom and I would go back to school shopping, it was probably the worst day of her life. An indecisive kid who treated every decision as though it was the kid's money being spent... I was the worst little kid to shop with. "Should I get it? Do I love it enough? I want it, I don't want it, I want it, maybe?"

That was me.

If you don't have this issue, then you can just skip ahead to the next paragraph but if you're an indecisive shopper like me, then keep on reading...

There's trick my mom taught me to help with decisiveness when shopping: take the cost of the item, divide it by the number of times I think I would wear it, and then see if the dollar amount per wear was worth it. I know, it sounds so weird when you think about it because I wasn't the one paying for my clothes. And even if I were the one paying, I'm not sure why this possibly resonated with elementary school me -- maybe because math is my jam? Who knows. But it worked and still does today.

Moral of the Story:

I cannot stand buying clothes that aren't "worth it" (based on the above calculations). So when I was pregnant with Ava, I didn't want to buy any maternity clothes. I wore stretchy bodycon dresses that I already owned, thermals that were already long enough to cover my growing belly, and leggings that would stretch over that bump. Okay, of course I bought a couple maternity items here and there, but it just killed me to spend money on something I would only be wearing for a couple months. And if I got pregnant a different season next time, then I may never ever wear them again.

It just felt like such a waste.

Long story short, I discovered PinkBlush and my shopping world changed.

You see, everything in the PinkBlush maternity line is meant to be worn even after you give birth. I know a lot of companies say that, but to prove to you that you really CAN wear their maternity clothes far after birth (Ava is currently 17 months old), I added three cute maternity dresses to my wardrobe. Yes, all three of the dresses I am going to show you over the next three days are picked straight from the PinkBlush maternity line and they're all fall mom fashion items I totally adore.

First up: A simple grey maternity tee-shirt dress.

It's comfy, it's cute, I can dress it up and I can dress it down and best of all, I can throw on some layers to wear it through the fall and the winter. It's totally a wardrobe staple...and even if I happen to get pregnant, I'll still be able to rock it through every season.

Now that's mama fashion at its finest! (Full disclosure: I am not pregnant)

Come back tomorrow for another mama fashion fave which, of course, can be worn pre, during, or after pregnancy.