Jenn Hallak

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Post-Delivery Must-Haves [ + the item you probably forgot]

Sponsored with love by Happi Foodi

You did great packing your hospital bag, you got all of the goods for post-delivery and you’re back home, hungry as ever because breastfeeding that baby burns a good 800 calories a day just sitting there. Breakfast passes you by because you’re too tired to get off of the couch, after you’ve got some coffee in you lunch comes and goes because you just want to sit there and stare at that precious little thing for hours on end and you’re totally fine with that. And then dinner rolls around… okay, it’s time to eat. You’re starving.

You’re starving but you’re sore and uncomfortable and heck, you just delivered a baby so prepping and putting together any sort of a meal just isn’t in the books for you tonight.

And that’s where your post-delivery must-haves list comes in and here’s the one item you probably forgot to add:

Frozen Meals

And I’m not talking about the blah kind of frozen meals — you want real, delicious food after hospital food was all you got for the past couple of days. Delicious frozen meals are going to be your jam with a newborn… unless, of course, you have a personal chef. Oh wait, Happi Foodi basically is my personal chef.

They prep delicious meals for me, freeze them, I pick them up at Walmart and heat them up at home and then boom, I’m one of the lucky ones with a personal chef after delivery. Pretty cool, huh? That could be you too.

Happi Foodi has so many meals and appetizers to choose from, whether it’s easy family dinners for a busy mom or even quick appetizers for your holiday parties coming up. Check ‘em out


  • Whiskey Flavored Meatballs

  • Barbacoa Mac & Please

  • Korean Style Beef & Ramen

  • Bloody Mary Chicken

  • Chicken & Dumblings

  • Skewerless Kabobs

  • Shrimp & Grits

  • Tequila Lime Chicken


  • Buffalo Style Chicken Egg Rolls

  • Cuban Style Egg Rolls

  • Tostones with Fruit Salsa

  • Mozzarella & Jalapeno Arepas