Jenn Hallak

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'Tis the season to potty train!

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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NothingLikeaHug #CollectiveBias

It's only Tuesday and I feel like a million bucks. Literally everything in my mom world has gone right this week:

Ava is now only spending 10 minutes awake in her crib before falling asleep at night (that used to be 2-3 hours so this is HUGE), I've cut breastfeeding down to three times a day (from like, 47 times a day) and she's been napping in her crib. And her naps have been over two hours, I must add.

I know I'm probably going to kick myself for saying this because tomorrow is always another day but since they stars have seemed to align in Mom World, I feel like I should just jump back on the potty training band wagon again and get this thing done!

If you've been following me for a while now, you already know that we attempted potty training a couple of months back, sort of on a whim. Ava always has a dry diaper at night, she had been asking to go potty on the big girl potty, we had a couple days free from sports and activities so I jumped on it and attempted the potty training.

Day 1 was fantastic! She went in the potty multiple times (in addition to many accidents) and in just one day, she was actually telling me when it was time to go.

Day 2 was a fail. A major fail. She would tell me she had to go, I would put her on the toilet and she would scream bloody murder as though the toilet was some torture chamber. And at that point I just called it quits. She was only about 14 months old at the time and I knew that it was no big deal trying again in a few month.

Well, I think it's finally time again. She HATES having a wet diaper, tells me whenever she needs to go and begs me to sit on the potty morning, afternoon and night. And since everything is going well this week, I feel like I should jump on this opportunity.

There's just one problem:

Ava's got sports and activities every day of the week and there's no way I'm taking her out in public and risking accidents while attempting to potty train her. And I also don't want to keep her at home because getting out of the house is best for all parties involved.

So here are my tips for potty training and how I am going to use Huggies® Pull-Ups to solve my problem:

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Step 1: Leave Ava naked all day (while at home) until potty training is complete.

Step 2: Take her to the potty every half hour even if she doesn't ask to go.

Step 3: Give her a little reward every time she goes in the potty. My reward for her is a chocolate chip out of a special potty training treat jar. She's got a chocolate chip obsession so this is perfect!

Step 4: When it's time to leave the house, put on her big girl Huggies® Pull-Ups (just like her big girl underwear), pack up a pack of Huggies® Natural Care Wipes (the only wipes I can use on her that don't give her diaper rash), and then I have no chance for embarrassment if an accident happens in public. So that's a win-win for everyone!

Anyone want to wish me luck?

'Tis the season to potty train!

...and Sam's Club has got limited time instant savings on Huggies products this holiday season on top of their already low prices. And better yet, did you know that there's a Sam's Club subscription service available? So you'll never have to remember to re-stock those diapers and wipes! They've also got scan and go (no waiting in line with a screaming child), pick-up service and of course, more bang for your buck!

Gotta love all of that in this mama's world!

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