Jenn Hallak

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Pregnancy-Friendly Recipe // Chickpea Melt

Written with love, by Sarah-Elizabeth Stone

You read it from the books; you’ve heard it from the doctors.  It’s like being 10 again and Christmas Eve night lasts a life time, and Christmas Day goes by in the blink of an eye. It’s like baking a cake and waiting for it to cool before putting the icing on, or knowing what your work bonus is without having the money yet.

I can make a million comparisons to the agonizingly long wait before a mama finds out she’s pregnant. Sometimes there are 101 symptoms that come along with the wait, and other times there are absolutely none. There are so many highs, and often, many lows that come along with this journey. But even though there are days where you’d rather throw your hands up in the air and give up, just remember – good things come to those who wait.



·         3-4 portebello mushrooms, sliced
·         1 onion, sliced
·         3-4 tomatoes, sliced
·         2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
·         2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
·         1 teaspoon of rosemary
·         1 can of chickpeas
·         2 packages of flatbread
·         1 blocks of mozzarella cheese
·         3-4 tablespoons of parmesan
·         2 cups of spinach




1.       Preheat oven to 400F

2.       In a large bowl mix the olive oil, rosemary, sliced tomatoes, sliced onion and mushrooms then place on a baking tray. Cook in the oven, then set aside

3.       In a separate bowl, smash the chickpeas into a paste, and mix with the balsamic vinegar

4.       On the flat bread,  spread the chickpea, a layer mozzarella cheese, followed by the roasted mushrooms, onion and tomato

5.       Sprinkle some parmesan cheese, roll the bread, and bake for 10 minutes

6.       Make a light salad and serve!

Please contact your doctor before consuming any foods in this recipe.