Jenn Hallak

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Pregnant Belly Week 11 | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

Have babies, they said. It's fun, they said.

And I'm going to have to agree with that one. But I never quite understood the meaning of that one until I had one and boy, it's indescribable.

We get this question a lot (as I'm sure every parent does):

How many kids do you want?

So I figured I'd write it all out there for ya so you all know what you can expect (or potentially expect) in our future. From the time Frank and I started dating, we both wanted two kids. But we both ALSO really wanted to have a boy -- my husband is a Junior and I have three sisters so a boy is just something we've both always dreamed of. Of course, Ava's a dream and I wouldn't have it any other way but that's just what we always had dreamed of, before we even talked about having kids together.

So we said we'd have two kids, so long as it was one girl and one boy (in any order, of course) and if both were the same gender, then we'd try again for another. Being one of four girls, I for sure expected to end up with 10 kids, all girls, still trying for that boy haha

BUT as I started to think about it, I was like, "Hmmm, if this baby is a boy then this is my last pregnancy and my last baby" and that made me just so sad to think about, you know? It made me want to cry!

Sooo at this point my answer is... we shall see! :)

Week 11 Bump Update

Two amazing things happened while I was 11 weeks pregnant. Best week so far --

1. Nausea is pretty much gone (finally!)

2. We found out the gender of our baby yesterday! Gahhh it's still a secret but I promise I won't keep you waiting too long ;)

And now, here's a look at our funny pregnancy shirt of week and as always, you can shop it below!

Past Shirts of the Week + Bumpdates