Jenn Hallak

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Pregnant Belly Week 13 | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

Nothing too exciting happening this week except that I'M OFFICIALLY IN MY SECOND TRIMESTER! Time sure does fly when you're having fun!

Updates this week:

1. My doctor decided not to change my due date (phew!) because I know the date of conception so really, I just make sure tall babies and that's okay!

2. My nausea went away last week but it's back (boooo!). It's not as bad as it was but I feel it in the mornings and Monday was the worst day yet! Please tell me this will go away for good? Please?

3. I'm working out regularly now and I'm super proud of myself! I've gotten lots of questions on what free at home workout videos I use so click here to take a peek at FitnessBlender -- I've been using their videos for years and they're amazing with so much variety for everyone!

And now for the fun part, our:

Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week!

I swear, I'm at that awkward stage where you can't tell if I've just got a bit of fat build up on my belly or I'm actually pregnant. I love showing off my little baby bump but I'll be honest, I was a little self conscious at the beach last weekend rocking a bikini but hey, I'm sure in a couple of weeks my bump will be big as can be and I'll be wishing I could see my toes so I think I should just smile and embrace the belly.

And that's what our pregnancy shirt of the week is all about -- that awkward belly stage before the true baby bump.

Past Pregnancy Shirts of the Week + Bumpdates