Jenn Hallak

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Pregnant Belly Week 15 | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

You know what’s funny about my second pregnancy? Half of the time I totally forget I’m pregnant. It may be because I’ve got a toddler distracting me 24/7 or maybe because I’m far less worried than I was with Ava (hello constant Googling with her!) but each week I go to take my weekly pregnant belly pics and I’m like, holy cow time is flying!

This week was pretty much identical to week 14 of pregnancy — the same pregnancy fear this week (still no baby kicks…booo), I feel like my tummy is no larger than it was last week and then this week I got a bit vulnerable on the one thing that has been eating away at me ever since I found out I was pregnant. Click here to read it if you missed it earlier this week!

So sorry — super boring 15 weeks pregnant update but hopefully we will have some more exciting news next week for ya. I’m crossing my fingers and toes for that!

But hey, we’ve got one of my favorite funny pregnancy shirts of the week from Little Mama Shirt Shop this week and I’m sure so many of you can relate.

Eating Donuts for Two

Am I right or am I right? In all honestly, I’ve pretty much lost my sweet cravings. I feel like I only eat sweets these days because I’m confused why I’m not craving them? But hey, thank you body for not craving them because this pregnancy weight would be stacking on if I were.

Per usual, shop the pregnancy shirt of the week at the link below
or click that same link to browse all of her darling designs!

Past Pregnancy Shirts of the Week + Bumpdates