Jenn Hallak

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Pregnant Belly Week 17 | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

The weeks go by fast but the months are passing oh so slowly. I feel like I’ve been pregnant for years now! (Let’s hope this isn’t what the next 5 months feels like or I may go nuts!)

17 Weeks Belly Update:

I felt baby boy kick from the outside at 17 weeks pregnant!! It only happened twice and it was super duper light BUT he did it and I cannot wait for my husband and Ava to finally feel this! Then I can finally share this pure happiness with them :)

So far in my mom life, I’ve never had to answer the question, “Where do babies come from?” but I’m kinda thinking, this may be the answer I give Ava when she starts asking one day. Head on over to Instagram and tell me your best answer to that question. I seriously cannot wait to hear what you all come up with and I may or may not be giving a free tee to someone who comes up with the best answer.

Of course, our funny pregnancy shirt of the week from Little Mama Shirt Shop just had to be a Fall/Halloween themed pregnancy shirt so here it is, probably my favorite so far!

If you love it or want to browse all of her hundreds of adorable designs, just click the link below!

Past Pregnancy Shirts of the Week + Bumpdates