Jenn Hallak

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Teacher Holiday Gift Ideas

Last night I posted on stories asking what the best teacher gift ideas were and you all delivered. You see, I am totally a gift card kinda girl — it’s easy and it’s something everyone wants. My husband always says its boring and un-thoughtful (to which I totally agree) but hey, if I am giving someone a gift, I would much rather them buy something they actually want (or need) rather than something that may end up sitting on a shelf with little to no use.

So back to me posing this question on stories…

I had quite a few teachers respond (and lots of preschool teachers at that!) and pretty much every single one of them said that gift cards make THE BEST holiday gifts — they can buy things for themselves, the classroom, their kids, whatever they need. But whatever they buy will totally be used and will be wanted.

So there you have it — gift cards for all of Ava’s teachers this year (dance teachers included!).

But just in case you wanted to see the list of what people came up with for great teacher holiday gift ideas, here it is for ya:

  • gift cards (winner winner chicken dinner!) — Target, Amazon, coffee, nail salon, massage, movies, restaurants

  • wine

  • pens, Sharpees, expo markers

  • lets your kids stay home the last day before break (laughed real hard at this one)

  • lanyards

  • coffee cozy

  • cute little card (totally had Ava write a cute card for her teacher too!)

  • personalized ornament made by the kid!

  • tumblers

  • candles

  • books for the classroom

  • ask them if anything for the classroom is needed

  • hand sanitizer

  • let the kids pick out a gift!

  • stationary

  • homemade treats/baked goods

  • silicone straws

  • self care items - soaps, lotions, bath bombs

  • flowers

  • essential oils (especially ones for stress relief)

  • travel mug with treats inside (Yeti!)

And there you have it! Anything else you’d add to this list? Anything you teachers out there would want to receive from your students?