Jenn Hallak

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This online shopping app is GOLD. (Jk, it's blue)

Photography by Briana Lindsey Photography

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Online shopping is my thing. It's my jam. It's my peanut to my butter (because I'm not the craziest fan of jam...unless it's the homemade kind from Aunt Roberta.) I know all of the tips and the tricks and because it's the holiday season and many of us moms make our lists and check them twice all from the comfort of our homes, I wrote a little blog post earlier this month on tips for online shopping this holiday season.

Well, I thought I knew everything there was to know about online shopping and then Shopify Arrive happened.

Yep, totally left it off of that list because I didn't know it existed until now but let me tell you, it's officially jumped to that #1 spot on the "tips for online shopping" list. And you guessed it, I'm gonna tell you why.

Here's how my online shopping addiction currently goes:

1. Ava starts nursing.
2. I hop on my phone and click "order, order, order" as fast as I can before she's done eating.
3. I get confirmation emails for every purchase and put them all into my "SHIPPING" folder in my email.
4. Each and every day, I check the status of each order by clicking on each by one. "That one will arrive Friday and that one next Monday and that one on the 28th."

Let me tell you, the struggle is real. That or I'm just way too excited about getting packages -- It's like Christmas morning every single day except...the gifts are rarely for myself. That, and as I sit and watch the news daily about packages getting stolen and people following delivery personnel just to snag packages as soon as they're delivered, I want to know where every single one of my packages is at every single moment, so I'm there to snag it up before anyone else does.

Lucky me, Shopify Arrive has come to the rescue and saved me so much time and energy on tracking every package daily.

This app is gold. Literal gold. Okay I lied -- the app is actual blue and I have a problem with overuse of the word "literally" but I digress. You get my drift.

Want to know how it works? Shopfiy Arrive:

- tracks all of my online orders in one place, no matter where they were ordered from and which carrier is delivering them.
- alerts me when I have a package that has shipped, when one is out for delivery and even when it's delivered to my door step (since they never seem to knock to let me know).
- snags all of the tracking information directly from my inbox so I don't even have to enter tracking numbers in there myself. Basically, it's magic.

And don't you worry, the app only pulls tracking numbers, mail carrier information and order numbers -- nothing more and nothing less so all of my information is secure.

Sounds like literal gold now, doesn't it?

So there you have it, the #1 online shopping tool...the rest have been bumped to 2, 3 and 4.

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