Jenn Hallak

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NEWBORN PHOTOS | How Miss Ava Sue got her name

Oh the act of baby naming. The struggle is real -- like very real.

I wanted a unique baby name, a name that we had never heard before. I wanted a name that didn't sound over-the-top made up but that she wouldn't have to use her last initial in school every year, because there were other students with her same name. I loved the names Blakely and Tinsley and Makenna.

My husband wanted a traditional baby name. A name that "didn't sound made up...a 'normal' name."

Naming a boy would've been a whole lot easier since my husband is a Jr. but with our little princess on the way, the struggle was real (and not too fun).

And we finally agreed on Makenna.

He loved it, I loved it and that was our baby girl's name.

Once that was official and agreed upon, we started talking to her and calling her by her name, as any parents would. You know, through my belly.

"We love you Makenna." "Sleep tight Makenna." "Mommy would appreciate if you stopped constantly kicking her in the right rib, Makenna."

You know, usual stuff you talk to your baby about when they're still inside of you.

Well let me tell you this, she was NOT a Makenna. I'm pretty sure we used the name a maximum of 4 times, maybe for a total of one hour and we just knew that that was NOT our baby girl's name. It was kind of crazy -- we both just knew that we had chosen the wrong name and so, it began again.

And then the name Ava came along and we both loved it -- It was unique enough for me and traditional enough for him. We could see her as an adult being called Ava and if went perfectly with her middle name (more about that in a second).

Ava it is. And we loved it.

As it turns out, every little girl is being named Ava these days so unfortunately, I drew the short end of the stick on that one. Yep, Ava has been on the Top 5 list since 2008, I believe?

Oh well, we loved it and that fit our little girl perfectly.

Now as you all know, her middle name is Sue. (Talk about the easiest name in the world to learn how to spell - Ava Sue).

My grandma's middle name is Sue, my mom's name was Sue, my middle name is Sue. It's a family name and I wanted to keep it in the family. And crazy enough, my Mother in Law's middle name is also Sue! I mean, what are the chances??

And yes, I'll take it one step further -- My future sister-in-law's middle name is Suzanne.

I kid you not.

So of course, she just had to be a Sue.

Ava Sue Hallak it is and it couldn't be more perfect for her.

And just so you can get your baby fix, here are some darling newborn photos of her when she was just one week old, taken by Bleudog Fotography.

Now I want to hear how all of you named your babies -- Family name? A name you just loved? How did you two agree? Did the in laws have any input/try to give their input?