Jenn Hallak

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VLOG | Our Weekend in Tahoe

This past weekend we headed to Tahoe for my sister's 30th birthday and although it was a quick trip, we had a blast! This was Ava's first time getting to play in the snow and not gonna lie, she wasn't the biggest fan. She laughed when we threw snowballs at each other but she didn't really like the idea of wearing a big coat and mittens...or being cold. So let's just hope this was a fluke and she actually loves the snow because we just booked a winter vacation to Salt Lake City in a month soooo yeah. If she could learn to love the snow real quick, that would be fab.

And I know you're probably all anxiously waiting to hear how our plane rides went since I posted tips for flying with toddlers on Friday before we left. We had 4 total flights, super short flights, but there were still four of them all packed into one weekend. On the first flight there, she watched Monster's Inc the entire way. Could've guessed that was going to happen! The second flight started out great, watching Monsters Inc again, but as soon as we started to descend, it was a nightmare.

An absolute nightmare.

I'm fairly positive her ears were hurting because she basically turned into the hulk. She wouldn't nurse (weird), she wouldn't watch YouTube (weird), she wouldn't watch Monsters (very weird) and she wouldn't play with any new toys we brought her. She kicked and she screamed and it basically took both of us holding her down to keep her from jumping out into the aisle.

So that was fun. *sarcasm*

And then on the way back, she nursed and slept pretty much the entire flight so that was pretty fab. We will be flying a whole lot over the next couple of months (we're trying to get all of our flights packed into before she turns 2 and we have to pay for her haha) so I'll be perfecting our tips for flying with toddlers more and more until we find out what works best!

So there it is...our Tahoe weekend trip in a nutshell. Here's our short vlog higlighting our weekend adventures :)