Jenn Hallak

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Ava's first trip to Disneyland (and fun family Disney apparel)

It's throwback Thursday so I'm doing a little throwback to last weekend -- Ava's first trip to Disneyland!

We have been dying to take Ava to Disneyland since she was born but of course, wanted to wait until she would actually enjoy it there. For those of you wondering, "What age should I bring my kid to Disneyland?" Ava just turned a year and she absolutely had a blast! I think it was the perfect age to take her.

What Disneyland rides are best for a one year old? We didn't have enough time to go on all of the rides we wanted to but here is what we went on and what Ava loved the most:
- Pirate's of the Caribbean: It's our favorite ride but she wasn't a fan. She held onto me the entire ride and snuggled up close.
- Toon Town: Her favorite!
- Buzz Lightyear
- Storybook Land
- Teacups
- Haunted Mansion

Disneyland Deals: For those of you who live in Southern California, they have an amazing three day pass going on right now that you can use any three days over the next couple of months and they don't have to be in a row. And they're only $150 so it's a fantastic deal. Just thought I would throw that out there in case any of you didn't already know about it :) Those are the passes we purchased!

Anyways, here's a little look at Ava's first trip to Disney and click the button below to browse some fun family Disney apparel!