Jenn Hallak

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ZEN SACK | A baby sleep sack that mimics a mother's touch.

Sponsored with love by The Nested Bean

There’s a little trick we’ve always used to get Ava to sleep at night. She has been sleeping in her own crib in her own room since Day One home from the hospital and has been sleeping through the night since she was two months old (with the exception of her 8 month regression). Once she’s out, she’s out. But getting her to actually fall asleep is that hardest part.

Depending on the day, there are two different ways we get our baby fall asleep:

  1. Nursing and transferring her into her crib once she’s asleep or

  2. Putting her in her crib while she’s wide awake and waiting there with her until she falls asleep.

She has to know we're there -- her chest on my chest or the weight of my hand resting on her back while she drifts off.

Yes, we have to lean over the side of the crib where the mattress is set all the way to the lowest setting and stand there with an arm falling asleep and a back about to break for sometimes 20-30 minutes, just so she feels our hand on her back. And removing that tiny amount of weight, wakes her instantly. I'm sure many of you know exactly what I am talking about.

It’s quite the sticky situation we're in every night and typically the answer is waiting it out until we know for sure she's out like a light.

The Zen Sack from The Nested Bean totally got me excited because it mimics that exact feeling of the weight of mommy or daddy's hand on her, helping her drift off for the night. It seems like it was literally created for us. Like I think they actually have been watching us because it’s insane how perfect it -- Either that or lots of parents go through this every single night and every single nap. It solves our exact problem.

The weight of the Zen Sack on her chest worked instantly the first time we tried it. Actually. We even posted it on our Instagram story the first day we tried it out because I was just so amazed that she was STILL ASLEEP after an hour and a half and I never had to leave my hand on her. The Zen Sack did it all for me :) Oh yeah, and it's super soft and pretty stinkin' cute too!

If you're in need of a new trick for getting your baby to sleep, click on the link below to take a peek at all of the different Zen Sack styles and prints they have to offer and don't forget to use our 15% off code below! I'd definitely recommend giving it a try!

Use code OVERWHELMED15 for 15% off of your purchase.