Week 16 // Belly Pics

We got to see our little girl again this week and it was amazing as always :) She was squirming around like crazy, so much that our doctor could barely get a clear photo of her! So we have a strip full of blurry photos, that you can barely tell is a baby hehe

But the heartbeat was perfect and we were out of there in less than 10 minutes! I ordered some more winter clothes for when my belly gets bigger (and when the weather finally gets below 103 degrees...yes, it's that warm still here in LA!) and I am looking forward to people actually being able to tell that I am pregnant without wearing my "Baby Bump" and "Bun in the Oven" tanks!

Here’s that little baby bump at 16 weeks pregnant!

16 Weeks Pregnant Baby Bump

week 16 pregnancy belly pics
week 16 pregnancy belly pics

Week 17 // Belly Pics

Week 15 // Belly Pics