Jenn Hallak

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23 Weeks Pregnant | 4D Ultrasound + Bump Photos

I got another ultrasound at 23 weeks pregnant today and gosh I never get sick of these - like so incredible! At the last ultrasound, they wanted to get a better look at his lips just to confirm all was well so we came back this month for that “quick ultrasound”… which turned into 45 minutes of attempting to get him to flip away from my back! I was turning my body in all different directions, she was poking his little booty, I even used the restroom to see if a bladder change could change anything but our little guy was just cozy the way he was — face straight into my back with his little hands right up against his face.

And then finally 45 minutes we got a glimpse of that sweet little face - that itty bitty nose and those cute little lips and ahhh I teared up. You’d think I’d be used to ultrasounds by now but nope, they still are the most incredible experience, every single time.

Our little guy (still no name!), is measuring just a week ahead, which is far better than my other pregnancies where my babies were 2-4 weeks ahead. He’s about 1lb 5oz, kicking like crazy every single day (Ava’s felt him kick now too!) and just the perfect little man.

Here is what my 23 weeks pregnant belly is looking like and what our little 23 weeker ultrasound looks like too!

Next month: glucose test.

Oh and if you missed it, I got the DIY board and batten nursery accent wall up over the weekend too! Nursery items are starting to arrive :)