Jenn Hallak

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3 Summer Prep Tips for New Moms

This post has been sponsored by Jergens Skincare. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I’ve been a new mom before and once again, I’m a mom to a newborn. And living right by the beach, I’ve definitely got that summertime mom prep down to a tee: multiple beach days a week and so much fun in the sun. Of course, I want to keep my babies (and myself) protected from those rays. So, here are my top three tips for that summertime prep.

1. Jergens Natural Glow Instant Sun Deep Bronze

I don’t know about you but the first couple of times I go to the beach, I’m so anxious to get my tan on that I typically get a bit too much sun. I don’t cake on the sunscreen like usual, and I spend far too much time in direct sunlight because I’m just not patient enough to wait multiple trips to get that base layer of tan I crave so much after winter. So my best advice?

Jergens Natural Glow Instant Sun Deep Bronze

I bought my Jergens Natural Glow Instant Sun Deep Bronze at wALMART! You can find it online or in the lotion aisle. It is the perfect way to get my tan on before summer even starts, so I’m not tempted to go all out on those first couple of trips to the beach. And this stuff is gold! Even after just one application, I saw such a huge difference… I can’t wait to see the difference it’ll make after a couple of weeks of consistent use! I love how you can Create Your Own Sunshine in the comfort of your home within one minute!

No sun needed and I can get that beautiful bronze I always dream of!

2. Focus On the Face

Whether you’re out for a beach trip, sending your kids off to school, or just running errands, make sure you’re applying sunscreen on your face (and on your kids, too!). This is seriously the best way to prevent long-term sun damage to our faces, and it’s just so quick and easy to put a layer on each day right after your morning wash.

3. The Half Tent

If you’re a parent (which I’m sure you are or are going to be if you’re reading this) then seriously, listen up. Get yourself a half tent for the beach — it’s the best (inexpensive) investment you’ll ever make and will make it so much easier to enjoy those beach days and keep your kiddos protected from the sun. They can play right there in the sand while still in the shade and you, mama, can keep cool, too, while keeping those kids busy all day long!

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