Jenn Hallak

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31 Weeks Pregnant | The Bump

I am officially 31 weeks pregnant and I cannot believe it! And honestly, this baby bump at 31 weeks must have been taken at an incredible angle because I swear it’s 2x the size in person! I feel HUGE right now!

We went to Texas this past weekend to visit family and oh my gosh I was struggling — my feet were so darn swollen that they were hurting (You know like when your milk first comes in? That feeling.) and I got so darn nauseous on the plane ride too which never happens when I’m not pregnant. We have one more trip coming up before baby boy gets here so I ordered some of those anti-nausea wristbands for those flights and I’m really hoping that does the trick this time around!

Oh and last thing — We now know that I’ll officially have this baby by 39 weeks (we’ll be scheduling that induction date later this month!) if he doesn’t come sooner. So I’m guessing this will be my second to last pregnancy bump photo before then. I can’t believe I used to keep up with bumpdates every other week for Franky and Ava… I just don’t have the time for that anymore! haha

So here it is — my pregnant baby bump at 31 weeks. Just 8 more weeks to go!!

31 Weeks Pregnant Baby Bump