37 Week Pregnant Belly | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

37 Week Pregnant Belly | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

Here I am… 37 weeks pregnant (almost 38 weeks) and I am so over being pregnant. I just want this little man out of there STAT! So last week was exciting and discouraging, all at the same time. On Friday morning I woke up with labor pains. Now I’ve had Braxton Hicks a whole lot over the past couple of months so I know what they feel like and if you remember, I’ve also gone through labor so I know what that feels like too. And I swear, this was the real deal. The pain woke me up, it was that kind of pain that wrapped all the way around from lower back through the front, I felt achey and the pains were completely regular.

I was in labor and I was so freaking excited.

I hopped in the shower and by the time I was out, they had died down to nothing. Gone. Like really? And then they came back at regular intervals about an hour later and then boom, gone again, never to return again.

So here I am, back to those regular Braxton Hicks contractions that annoy me all day every day, make me waddle and have to pee constantly. I had my 37 week OB appointment on Thursday and I was only at 1cm (booo!) — I was at 1cm with Ava for three weeks so it doesn’t say much AND my doctor said “Yeahhh pretty sure I’ll see you here in the office next week!” Another boo but hey, I think I’ll manage two more weeks of this, just to let them little man cook a bit more. But if he decides to come sooner, I wouldn’t be mad at him — not even a little bit!

Anyhow, I’m still over here and still very pregnant …hence this week’s funny pregnancy shirt of the week!

37 Week Pregnant Belly | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blog

And guess what?? I’m giving away a Little Mama Shirt Shop tee away (any shirt of your choice!) to one lucky duck over on Instagram today! So head on over to @theoverwhelmedmommy and stay tuned for the announcement (pssst — it’ll be a photo of me wearing this shirt!)

As always, you can shop this pregnancy shirt at the link below!

37 Week Pregnant Belly | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blog
37 Week Pregnant Belly | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blog
37 Week Pregnant Belly | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blog

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