7 Natural Cold & Flu Remedies

7 Natural Cold & Flu Remedies

Sponsored with love by Native Remedies

I’ll admit it — our home is far from natural. We’ve got products with chemicals all over the place — bath and shower products, cleaning products, you name it! I'm not going to try to pretend to be someone I’m not but lately, I’ve been trying my best to be much more cognisant of the products we’re using in our home and the products we use around ourselves and our kids each and every day.

But I’ll be quite honest — it’s overwhelming (pun intended). I don’t know where to start, there are so many products out there to choose from, I don’t know what to look for and really, the thought of replacing everything in our entire home, the products that we use daily and even sometimes hourly, is such a daunting task. Anyone else feel that?

So my advice to you (and technically, my advice to myself too)?

Start somewhere.

8 Natural Cold & Flu Remedies for Babies + Kids - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
8 Natural Cold & Flu Remedies for Babies + Kids - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

You don’t have to replace everything all at once because that’s where the tasks gets so overwhelming that you never even begin (or at least that’s always been my excuse!) So start somewhere whether its cleaning products or shampoo and conditioner or the sick remedies you’re putting into your body and the bodies of your kids!

Over the past couple of months, we’ve been replacing our cleaning products and have begun using more sustainable, natural products for every day cleaning and next up, we’re on to the medicines and remedies we’re putting inside of our kids’ bodies.

Personally, I hate taking medicine. I rarely take tylenol or motrin and I really just like to refrain from putting anything in my body unless it’s absolutely necessary. True Story: After delivering Franky my husband basically had to force me to take one dose of Ibuprofin because I just don’t like the idea of putting anything in my body. With that, you’d think I would have jumped on the natural remedy bandwagon early but nope, I’m just getting started!

And when it comes to my kids — they’ve got fevers or sicknesses and while one part of me hates the thought of putting anything into their little bodies, the other part of me hates seeing them in pain. I just want them to feel better stat!

8 Natural Cold & Flu Remedies for Babies + Kids - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

This flu season has been no joke for us: Ava’s in pre-school (sickness galore, if you know what I mean) and we’re just finally catching a break from passing around the sick bug. First it was Ava, then Franky and then I was really sick over the holidays and we’re finally all sickness-free just in time for Ava to start school again after Christmas break. So I’ve been researching and prepping because while I’m crossing my fingers and toes that we don’t all get sick again, you’d better bet I’ll be prepared in case it does happen!

Whether you’re in quarantine over in your home or you’re just hoping it doesn’t come knocking on your door this cold and flu season, I’ve come up with a list of natural cold remedies for kids after doing a whole lot of research:

1. Throat-soothing lollipops are great for sore throats and of course, the kiddos love them! Heck, I love them too!

2. I tried putting onions in my socks at night years back because I’ve heard it works wonders. Now, I can’t remember if it worked or not but again, it can’t hurt and if that many people say it works then I’m down to try it out.

3. Native Remedies offers all natural, herbal and homeopathic remedies for babies, kids and adults (yes, they’ve got lots of remedies for us parents too!). They’ve got Mucus-Clear Jr. and Mucus-Clear Jr. Nightime for babies and kids and beyond the cold, they’ve got so many natural, fast-acting remedies for mood swings, emotional balance, phlegm and congestion, appetite, mood and behavior, focus and so much more. You name it — they’ve got a remedy for it. I’ve read countless reviews and the reviews say it all!

Click here to browse NativeRemedies and snag $10 OFF + FREE SHIPPING on your order using code: JENN10.

8 Natural Cold & Flu Remedies for Babies + Kids - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
8 Natural Cold & Flu Remedies for Babies + Kids - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

Included in the blog post should be:- Your review of our product, Native Remedies products are all natural, All products are fast acting, We offer Mucus-Clear Jr. along with Mucus-Clear Jr. Nighttime for kids under 12, Promo offer above along with Bitly link

4. I know, easier said than done but reducing dairy is highly recommended. Dairy causes mucus build up so of course, doing your best to reduce dairy intake can make a world of a difference!

5. Have you ever heard of eating raw garlic to help reduce sickness? Apparently after it’s chopped, it’s got some powerful antiviral and antibiotic properties that I’ve heard so many people swear by! May not taste so great but if it does the trick, then it’s so worth it!

6. Trying to sleep with a stuffy nose is THE WORST but elevating your head (or elevating your kids’ mattresses) works wonders in clearing your nose so you can breathe better and rest more deeply. And I swear by this one!

7. Give your kids a detox bath. When the kids were sick a couple weeks back so many of you said that detox baths work absolute wonders! Now Ava’s fever only lasted until morning so we never had a chance to try it once everyone recommended it but next time around, I’m on it! (this was by far the top recommendation you all sent my way regarding cold and flu and reducing fevers!)

Are there any other natural baby/kids sick remedies you swear by?

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