Jenn Hallak

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Wrinkles? Motherhood gives me smile lines.

Sponsored with love by Apothederm

While spontaneity is fun every once in a while, i live for schedules, to do lists, routine. And you want to know what my favorite daily routine is?

My morning routine with Ava: She wakes and immediately points to her hair saying "ah, ah, ah" because she wants her hair done first thing. Then she says "buh, buh, buh" as she searches for Baxter (we call him Bubba) and she gives him the best morning snuggles, hugs and kisses. And then it's time to look for daddy if she's still at home. She runs to our room and squeals with excitement once she finds him... Every. Single. Time. A little bit of playing with his phoneand then it's time for my routine.

I wash my face, brush my teeth and put product on my neck and face. And every single time, Ava's standing there asking to join in. She holds out her hand and says "ah ah ah" as she wants to put product on her face too. She points to her armpits and always insist on putting on deodorant (both sides, of course) and about 50% of the time she wants to brush her teeth too...all by herself.

I love our morning routine and I love that Ava is right there with me wanting to do everything just like mommy. And better yet, I know that if all else fails and our day doesn't go as planned, that at least I've checked that off of my daily to do list and I've been kind to my face and my skin.

You know that commercial that says, "If you aren't whitening, you're yellowing"? Well if you think about it, if you aren't treating your skin every single day, then you're damaging it. After this summer full of fun in the sun, I'm taking extra steps to nurse my skin back to health so it can thrive this fall.

I had a chance to try out Apothederm this week and I'm loving adding it into my daily routine. I am a true believer that kids actually do give us wrinkles but the reason is not what you'd expect -- Based on where my wrinkles have started to show up, I personally think it's from all of the smiling I've been doing over the past 17 months. And while that's a good thing, I want to do everything in my power to keep my skin looking happy and healthy too! So I've loved using the Apothederm Firming Serum + Apothederm Firming Neck Cream to help keep those smile lines in check. And seriously, my skin feel instantaneously firmer and fuller every single time I put it on!

The smiles are going to keep on coming but the wrinkles don't have to.