Jenn Hallak

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I'd rather be at Coachella.

There are so many times each week when I just need a break. I need a break from work, a break from mommying, a break from adulthood. I'd rather be at Coachella. (Well, I'm actually a Stagecoach girl but that's a whole different topic.)

And then my husband gets home from work as tired as I am (okay, more tired) and he swoops Ava up into another room to go give me some "me time." Literally within 30 seconds of getting that much needed break, I miss her.

I miss her like crazy.

How is it possible that there are some days that I need a break so freaking badly that I don't know what to do with myself and then the second I am away from her, I want her back in my arms, crying or happy. Now THAT is love right there. That is the feeling that you just can't describe. That is the feeling being a parent gives us and it's a love so amazing that I want everyone to be able to experience it.

Anyone else with me on this or am I just crazy?

With that being said, moms and dads DO need breaks. We miss them like crazy but holding them in our arms again makes our love grow that much stronger. And I love that crazy bond that we share.

Oh yeah, and I am all about living your life as parents. If you'd rather be at Coachella and need a break from parenting for the weekend, by all means, pack your bags and head to Coachella with your girlfriends or with your husband. Sometimes that breath of fresh air is just the refresher you need. Being a parent doesn't mean that your "fun life" should stop. That is one thing we really strive to focus on as parents and I encourage you all to make that a focus in your lives too!

Take a little browse at this darling baby Coachella outfit and if you love anything you see, just click on the links below and it will take you right to where you can find each item!