Jenn Hallak

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A Black Modern Baby Gate

When we first moved here to Utah a little over two years ago, Hayes was just a baby so first thing’s first, we needed a baby gate for the bottom and top of the stairs. Well I don’t know about you but the thought of having a baby gate up for the next however many years (since we were still growing our family) just made me cringe. I searched high and low for something aesthetically pleasing and let me tell you, it was not an easy product to find. I wanted a black, modern baby gate that would last. And alas, I found one that was perfection.

So to save you some searching time, here’s the modern baby gate we ended up with that we absolutely love. Installation was so darn easy (it comes with a map for exactly where you drill so you can’t mess it up) and it legitimately took me 10 minutes to put up. And it lasts! So you’re welcome.

Black Modern Baby Gate