DIY Canvas Painting by My Kids

DIY Canvas Painting by My Kids

I’ve been working on our entryway for a few months now and we have this one big blank wall that I’ve never loved. I don’t mind big blank walls and in fact, my house is full of them but this one in particular drives me bonkers because there’s a big ‘ole ugly vent on it that just irks me whenever I see it. So my goal during this entryway makeover was to get that covered.

I started with DIY wainscoting (no cutting and no nailing), then moved onto our new console table decor, entryway rugs and finally, this wall. It’s a pretty big wall and I wanted a painting that was around 40x40 inches - 1. paintings that large are pricey and 2. I just wasn’t finding any that were IT. I found many that I liked but nonw that I absolutely loved and so, I had an idea.

Why not let my kids paint the painting for this wall? Not gonna lie, I was a little nervous about how it would turn out, especially after they got started on it, but oh my goodness it is more beautiful than I never imagined and more. And it’s just the most special piece now that my four babies made it themselves.

I linked the supplies I used below but a couple things:

  1. To add a little texture to the canvas, I used some old wall repair I found in the garage, just spread it around in no particular way.

  2. There’s a video above to show you how I did this but I dripped paint all over the canvas to then let them spread it around. Their rules were to just spread in circular motions or in lines but no drawing images AND every spot needed to be filled on the canvas. Whenever they needed more paint, they told me which color they wanted and I dripped in on for them!

Even if you don’t have kids, this is a great way to create art for your home in the exact colors you want (I linked the colors we used below - the most beautiful neutrals and browns for this one.)

And finally, I used for that custom frame we have on it now. This process was so seamless - you type in your measurements and choose your frame and assemble it all at home which was beyond easy and only took about five minutes.

And that’s that! If you end up creating one yourself or if you gave your kids create a DIY canvas painting for your home, tag me - I’d love to see!!

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