Jenn Hallak

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Carry-on Items You Need While Traveling with A Toddler

This post has been sponsored by Clorox®. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The first time we took Ava on a plane, I was terrified. The thought of getting eye rolls from hundreds of strangers as we made our way onto the plane was something I wasn’t too stoked about. Ava wasn’t walking yet and, at the time, I was thinking that bringing a baby on a plane would be the hardest. I mean, babies cry and you can’t always console them so what would I do if she started crying and wouldn’t stop?

Well, I had never had a toddler before so now, looking back, I was wrong. Oh I was so wrong.

The flights went great, I nursed her to sleep and the only issue was her ears hurting as we landed. So at that point, we thought we were experts. And then she became a toddler and our whole “travel expertise” was flipped upside down. Let me tell you, traveling with a walking, talking, independent toddler who does not want to sit still is far more difficult than a nursing baby who can be consoled with milk.

Ava’s now been on 10+ flights and I think that this point, we’ve got it down so I’m sharing my advice with all of you and letting you know that you can do it. I believe in you.

So here they are -- 5 things to pack in your carry-on while traveling with a toddler.

1. Clorox® To Go Pack

Even while confined to a seat, toddlers can get into everything. From the airport chairs that have been touched by thousands of strangers to the restaurant tables and high chairs in the airport pre-flight, the airplane seats, the arm rests, and the trays that who knows how often get cleaned, airplanes are the home for germs galore. And so, packing Clorox disinfecting wipes (which can be found in the Walmart Travel Section) are a necessity.

The same great Clorox wipes you love and now you can take those bacteria-killing wipes (killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria) with you on the go! Clorox® To Go Pack delivers bleach-free wipes you love in a space-saving pack -- convenience every traveling mom needs.

2. Pre-Downloaded Shows + Movies

Ava currently loves Monsters, Trolls and Finding Nemo so we’ve got those shows downloaded to the iPad for airplane trips. That way, no internet is needed.

3. Headphones

Don’t forget a pair of headphones so those kids shows and songs don’t bother the other passengers around you!

4. New Toys

Head to Walmart and find some little new toys that your kids have never seen before. That way, they’re far more exciting for them and they’re more likely to occupy them for longer. Make sure you choose small toys so you don’t have a lot to lug around and don’t forget to save some fun little surprise toys for the trip back too!

We’ve gotten Ava stickers and a mini notepad to put them on, mini crayons and a mini coloring book, window stickers (the ones that are made of gel and actually come off), mini doll figurines, slinkies, mini cars, and really any little knick knack that will get them excited! There is so much you can find at Walmart that will be the perfect little, inexpensive surprise!

5. Snacks on Snacks on Snacks

Snag a couple little to-go packs of your toddler’s favorite snack or a treat you don’t give them often. While flights are going to give you snacks at some point, it’s better to be prepared than not have anything for them at all!

You don’t need much but with the right tips for flying with toddlers and the right carry-on items, your flight will be smooth sailing. Just be prepared!

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