Jenn Hallak

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Smile, it looks good on you.

Something must be in the air or the water or there’s a full moon or something because this week has been rough. Okay so remember when Ava was like 18 months old and I was having just the worst time with her and she was having those tantrums and fits and screaming for more hours a day than she wasn’t? And then she turned into an angel and I honestly can’t remember the last time she threw a tantrum like this.

But this week, man... I need a drink.

I’m thinking it may be the swim lessons every day and the over exhaustion and the heat and all of the fun activities we’ve been doing (well, I sure hope that's what this is and not the terrible two's coming back) but around 4 o’clock every single day she just breaks down and there’s no turning back once it happens. I can’t console her, she doesn’t want the iPad and doesn’t want chocolate and no matter what we give her, it’s wrong.

She asks to watch Paw Patrol and when I turn it on, she screams “NO PAW” at the top of her lungs and asks for Nemo. So I turn on Nemo and she screams “NO NEMO, NO DORY” and asks for Paw.

And typically this is something I just can’t handle. It makes me sad and mad and frustrated and overwhelmed and just straight flustered, all at the same time. And there’s literally nothing I can do to help her.

It makes me feel absolutely helpless.

But this week has been different and I’m pretty proud of myself for it. There’s this trick I’ve been trying and you guys, it totally works wonders. It’s gonna sound super simple but in the moment its SO HARD to do. But if you put your mind to it, I guarantee it’ll work:


Yep, that’s all. Just stand there and smile, turn that frown upside down and it’s like magic, you’re suddenly much calmer and so much happier. Because you know what I’ve learned about myself? It’s impossible for me to smile and be upset at the exact same time, even if it’s only for a split second.

It’s just impossible.

Give it a try next time you’re sad or mad or just straight frustrated beyond belief -- just smile. And let me know how it goes :)

Smile — It’s sure looks good on you.

Photo by Briana Lindsey Photography