Jenn Hallak

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Most bibs you see at Buy Buy Baby, Target and most department stores are...bibs. They're just that. Most are cheesy and just not very stylish, to say the least. So when Ava started drooling like crazy about a month ago, I had no choice but to put them on her and I did my best to keep her from wearing them in public.

She would wear a bib in the car and then the second we parked, the bib would come off and she would look adorable as ever in her perfectly styled outfit. And then one evening at our Bible study, one of our friends was holding her. I look over and literally half of her onesie was soaked. Like I could probably wring it out, soaked. And from then on, I knew that bibs in public would just have to do...even though they didn't match and didn't exactly compliment her outfits.

So I went to seek out "fashionable" bibs and found so many shops all over Instagram. I browsed and searched high and low, and came across so many adorable ones, until I found my favorites. And now that there are finally here (all the way from Australia), I am so excited that her bibs have become part of her fashion statement. They are now an accessory, just like a necklace or a cute pair of shoes. They are no longer just bibs and I am loving it!

Here are some adorable pics of Ava's new fashion accessories, the cutest baby bibs from Harlz & Haven...and I think I may need to order some more because all of their designs are just too dang adorable. Thank you Harlz & Haven for being so amazing and for adding some adorable new accessories to her wardrobe! If you want to take a peek, here is a link to their website.

Any other fashion bibs out there that you love? Comment below with your favorite shops!

*This post is NOT sponsored in any way, shape or form and is just featured on my site because I was so happy with my purchase!