Mommy + Me Outfits | That's what undershirts are for.

Mommy + Me Outfits | That's what undershirts are for.

39 Weeks + 1 day and I’m still going strong. As much anxiety as I have right now, just waiting for this little man to make his appearance, I’ve been feeling great! I don’t sleep well at night but hey, I’ve got the energy during the day and I’m i great spirits so for this, I am so lucky.

My tops may not fit over my belly anymore but hey, that’s what undershirts are for, right?

Today’s mommy and me outfit is one of my faves and it’s going to be one of our last with that bump (so sad!) but you know what? We will have lots of matching mommy and son outfits (of course Ava will be part of them too) coming very soon. So boy mamas — stay tuned!

Mommy and Me Clothes Outfits - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Mommy and Me Clothes Outfits - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Mommy and Me Clothes Outfits - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Mommy and Me Clothes Outfits - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Mommy and Me Clothes Outfits - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Mommy and Me Clothes Outfits - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Mommy and Me Clothes Outfits - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Mommy and Me Clothes Outfits - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Mommy and Me Outfits [+ JuJuBe Sakura At Dusk BFF Diaper Bag Giveaway]

Mommy and Me Outfits [+ JuJuBe Sakura At Dusk BFF Diaper Bag Giveaway]

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