It's beginning to feel a lot like FALL

It's beginning to feel a lot like FALL

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Photography by Briana Lindsey Photography

You guys, I seriously can't believe it! So you know how people always say that you have to put thoughts and vibes out into the world for them to come true? Well guess what happened -- Last night I posted on my Instagram that I was dying for some cold weather over here and I just checked the weather for today and the high is 68 degrees!


And for those of you who are super confused, 68 degrees is pretty much freezing for Southern California so this morning I turned on the heat, got my slippers on and we will be all bundled up in boots, leggings and jackets today...well, as soon as we actually get dressed for the day. I seriously could not be happier.

So since I'm totally in the mood to get all bundled up (finally), I decided to do a little online window shopping so I can start narrowing down the styles of jackets I want to rock this fall and winter. And per usual, I'd love some feedback!

Which styles are your favorite?

(If you see any styles here that you totally have to have, just click on the item image and I linked them all for ya!)

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