Jenn Hallak

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My 2 Biggest Motivations to Work Out + 25 Cute Yoga Pants

Before I was a pregnant, I was pretty good about working out regularly. I'd go to the gym occasionally, go on long walks with Baxter, do workout videos at home and in general, I'd do something athletic at least a couple of times a week.

Then I became pregnant and boom, I began working out every day, without fail. I mean, I had a child inside of me and it was up to me and only me to start this child out with a healthy life. I didn't do anything crazy but at home workout videos were my jam and I made sure I was working out daily.

Fast forward to Ava's birth -- the workouts ceased to exist. For a while I'd go on long walks with her at the park but know...she started walking and I couldn't just plop her in a stroller and let her sleep or lie there content as can be. Instead of working out I started chasing around a toddler and when that toddler was sleeping, I'd relax as much as I could. Because toddlers are exhausting.

And here I am today, in the worst shape of my life and I need to kick my butt back into gear, especially now that I am no longer burning a whopping 800 calories a day just from breastfeeding. But it's hard. It's really hard. It's hard to find time and it's hard to get motivated because when Ava's asleep, all I want to do is relax. Playing make believe is hard work!

But you know what, there's one thing that always motivates me to workout. Want to know what it is?

Workout clothes.

It may be a pricey motivation but when I jump into a new pair of super cute yoga pants or some new Nike's, you'd better bet I'm motivated to get moving for at least a couple of days.

Moral of the Story: Buy more workout clothes.

Kidding...sort of...not really.

But here are two things that always motivate me to workout:
     1. Workout Clothes (already mentioned)
     2. Ava. Because I want as many years with her on this Earth as I can have.

Well anyhow, if super cute yoga pants motivate you to workout too, then you're in luck because today, I've put together a round-up of 25 cute yoga pants you're going to fall in love with.

If you see any you want of these yoga pants to help motivate you to workout,
just click on the images and they'll take you right to where you can buy your favorite pairs!