Jenn Hallak

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Baxter's new best friend [and mine too]

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Timing is everything and it seems as though it's never on my side. Well, at least when it comes to Baxter needing/wanting to go outside. I'll have to admit, there are times when he taps on the door to go outside and I'm like, "Baxter, you can wait until I'm finished doing what I'm doing."

And then I realize how having to pee is like the worst feeling in the world...and I give in. I know it doesn't seem like that big of a task to open the door to let him out and then open it back up when he wants to come back inside but here's my issue:

He chooses the absolute WORST times to have to pee.

For example:

1. When I am in the zone blogging and Ava's asleep and I just have to finish before she wakes up.
2. When Ava has just started nursing or has fallen asleep on me and getting up means waking her up.

And the absolute worst one which has become far too regular...

3. At 5:00am when I don't really want to get out of bed. (Edit: I really don't want to get out of bed)

So yeah, sometimes getting up to let him out and letting him back in does seems like such a hassle (first world problems, huh?) but he's my baby and I'd do anything for him so...I do it. That is, until we finally got a new doggy door from

After talking about it for months and months and months, our fancy new easy-to-install sliding glass door doggy door arrived and I was stoked. Frank was at work and it was still the morning and I couldn't wait to try it out. I waited a couple hours because I figured I wouldn't be able to do it on my own but you guys, I just couldn't wait any longer. I was seriously like a child on Christmas morning. And to my surprise, I set it up all by myself. And guess how long it took?

A whopping 7 minutes. Yes, it took me longer to read the directions than to actually set it up and our fancy new easily installed doggy door was ready to rock and I was going to be free forever.

Ava climbed on through. Then Baxter...oh wait, he was scared of it. Scared to death.

Doggy Door Training: Currently in progress.

Okay I guess the title of this post is a bit deceiving but it was more like wishful thinking? Positive thoughts? In all reality, the doggy door is officially Ava's new best friend and she's doing a great job at showing him the ropes. He's still a work in progress but as soon as he learns how it all works, I'm going to be one happy (and free) mama. And I cannot WAIT.

Moral of the Story: If you're looking for a sliding glass door doggy door that's super easy to install, is the way to go. Ours is the Endura Flap Patio Panel Insert.