Jenn Hallak

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Our Dining Room Remodel

Sponsored with love by Wayfair

Adulting at its finest, over here. We’ve purchased cars and furniture and so many other “adulting” things but this one is my favorite to date! We’ve been married for five years now and let’s just say, we needed a dining room table. Badly. Like real badly. (Just wait until you see those before pictures).

Ever since we got our new table last week and got it all dolled up, I can’t help but smile every single time I walk in our home and see it sitting there are beautiful and such. This is the table that will live with us for years. This is the table where we will enjoy family dinners with Ava and that baby boy in my tummy and maybe (just maybe) even more kids one day. This is the table we will entertain at and host at for holidays and birthdays and dinner parties with friends. So many memories will be made at this table and that is why it’s my favorite adulting upgrade to date.

So I’m pretty good with design (although I do change my mind on what I like and want to “switch it up” every couple weeks) but one thing I’m not great with is visualization. I see a table I love and I see some chairs I love and I see some decor that’s super pretty.

But will it all look good together? Or will it totally clash?

I feel like I don’t have just one style — I love so many different styles so figuring out what works together and what doesn’t surely isn’t my forte. And that’s why Wayfair Design Services is totally my new favorite thing. It’s AMAZING, to say the least and I’ll tell you how it works and why it’s going to be your new best friend too — affordable designers, convenience and let’s just say, they did an amazing job.
(you just wait and see).

Wayfair Design Services

Step 1: Sign up and pay $79 to work an amazing designer. Yes, just $79 is insane for someone to design an entire space for you but it’s true and there’s no catch!

Step 2: Fill out the survey — Which room are you designing? What’s your budget? What are some photos of spaces you’ve seen and loved?

Step 3: A designer will contact you to set up a time to chat.

Step 4: Your Vision Board — You’ll receive a vision board with items and direct links to a gorgeous space they’ve created just for you! Here’s the very first vision our design created for us based on our survey.

Step 5: Revisions (if needed) — Tell your designer what you love, what you don’t love and they can make whatever revisions you need (if any) and will get back to you with a new vision board. We were on a $1200 budget for everything and while we loved the original chairs she selected (the style was on point!), we really wanted to be able to purchase 8 total chairs so revised and found chairs in the same style that were slightly less expensive so we could work with that budget.

Step 6: Order your goodies! You’ll have links to everything that was chosen so ordering and getting that new gorgeous space set up is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Now here it is, our before and our beautiful re-designed dining room space that’s just to die for! I mean, that gorgeous farmhouse style table and those chairs. All the heart eyes.

We wanted something that would fit into our small space but would have the option to extend for holidays (and for when we move into a larger home one day) so this table we ended up choosing is extendable and I love it! At 72 inches we can fit 6 chairs and when it’s expanded, we can fit 8 which is just perfect for entertaining. We wanted lots of whites and lights but also wanted a distressed look because…kids. If the kids scratch it, you won’t even notice it on that beautiful distressed wood! And lastly, we wanted chairs that were nice looking but not too fancy and we really wanted end chairs that were different than the side chairs — I just love that mix and match look!

Click the links below to shop our final look!
[pssst all of our furniture is now on a HUGE sale!]

Click here to shop our farmhouse style, distressed extendable table.

Click here to shop our end chairs.

Click here to shop our side chairs.

Click here to shop the blue vase set.

Click here to shop our ivory linen table runner.

Click here to shop the silver three-vase set.

Click here to shop our center vase.

Now here it is, the big reveal: