Jenn Hallak

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Macallen Jackson Hallak | Birth Story + Newborn Photos

The story of Macallen’s birth…

On the night November 2nd, I went to bed real bummed that our little boy wouldn’t share a birthday with my sister and best friend. And right around midnight, I woke up to a contraction.

I’d had Braxton Hicks since about 20 weeks pregnant (which is common for my pregnancies) but this one was different - achey back and a bit more “painful” that Braxton Hicks, although I’d definitely not consider it “pain.” I downloaded a contraction timer app and waited…

And it happened again.

Slightly painful but not really pain, but I knew it felt different. I called Frank (he was downstairs doing some work) and told him this may be it, although I wasn’t sure at all. All I knew is that I did NOT want to take any chances and miss my epidural like I did with Hayes. (You can read Hayes’ birth story and how that went down!) So once that second contraction started, I began timing.

Seven minutes.

At that point, I told my sister (who was staying at the house), that it may be go time but I’d let her know. I packed up my hospital bag (yes, I’m sure that stresses you all out) and made a joke that “I better not be packing up all of my skin care products right now only to take them right out again in the morning.”

Third contraction… TEN MINUTES.

And you see, I know that with 7 and 10 minute contractions, you’re not supposed to head to the hospital but once again, I was terrified of missing that epidural so I told Frank it was go time.

We headed to the hospital and when we got there, I assured them I knew what I was doing. I told them I have fast labors and since this was my fourth baby, they agreed to admit me immediately.

And then it can time for the IV (one the worst parts of giving birth, in my opinion) and four attempts later we finally got it in. That was ROUGH and I’m still all bruised up! But it was in and it was time for that epidural but…

The lab couldn’t find my labs. Like HOW?!

Seven reset password attempts later and I finally got my own labs pulled up for them so we could proceed but I’m not gonna lie, I was slightly freaking out at that point. But we worked it out and the anesthesiologist arrived shortly thereafter. And it was the PERFECT epidural. With Ava, I couldn’t feel or move anything, like anything at all. And with Franky, it didn’t fully work - only worked on my bottom half which was better than nothing but this was the perfect in between. I could move my legs and I could feel the contractions but they weren’t painful - just achey. FABULOUS.

I attempted to nap and around 7ish my best friend who I was hoping would be my labor in delivery nurse checked into her shift and that made me smile so darn big! My OB came to check on me and I was still very posterior and I think only around a 4 if I remember correctly, so off she went to the office.

And then I felt this weird POP. I called my friend and she came in and I was leaking green… which meant he pooped and that honestly freaked me out! My water must’ve broken up high because I was barely leaking and with me having an overage of fluid in there, we knew that meant “splash mountain” (as Frank named it) for delivery. TMI? Oops.

About an hour and a half passed and I was in pain so requested the anesthesiologist to come back. He came, added more into my epidural but unfortunately, it was too late. At that point I was in full labor and it felt like no epidural was there (and I know because I’ve delivered without one). They said that I was progressing so fast that the epidural couldn’t keep up. I was at a 7 and almost immediately a 10 and I “couldn’t do it anymore.” I needed that baby out of me!!

My OB rushed back as fast as she could (they obviously didn’t expect it to go that fast but once I start progressing I progress to a 10 in no time) and that little boy inside of me wasn’t agreeing with the contractions. They tried moving me in all sorts of positions to get his heart rate back on the monitor and we finally found the perfect spot where we waited for my OB to arrive, pushed twice and out he came. My very last baby was in my arms and for the first time ever, we got it all on video too - and I am so glad we did! I’ve watched it about 300 times now!

Macallen Jackson Hallak
November 3, 2022
8lbs 6oz, 21.5 inches

We are so over the moon in love with our little Mac and I cannot believe I’m a mom of FOUR. All of my dreams have come true!