Jenn Hallak

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Trendy Shooting with MOD Camera Straps (+ my mini me)

Sponsored with love by MOD

A year and a half ago I got the best gift I’ve ever received and it changed my life forever. You think I’m talking about Ava, don’t you? Well of course she was the best gift ever but I’m talking about something else here. On Christmas morning back in 2015 I unwrapped my very first camera and it was the best surprise my husband ever could have given me.

Fast forward to today and I have taken thousands and thousands of photos, thousands of memories that I will cherish for a lifetime...mostly of my beautiful baby girl and handsome pup, of course :) And I honestly don’t know how I lived without it. I don’t leave the house without my Nikon and rarely go a day without taking at least a couple hundred photos. I know, I’m addicted to photos. It’s become my hobby, my career and my passion and soon, it will become a mother-daughter activity that Ava and I can both do together.

A couple of weeks back when I first got my MOD scarf camera strap not only did I fall in love with it, but Ava did too. The second she sees my camera now she grabs it and puts that strap around her neck before she begins searching for that little silver button on the top so she, too, and experience pure happiness as she hears the shutter go click, click, click. You should see her face light up with joy and it makes me smile so big knowing that I get to teach her to do something that I love and something that she wants to learn.

I just love that she wants to be just like mommy. And I just love that that involves one of my passions in life -- photography.

And MOD has made that even more fun for us! My new chevron scarf camera strap is comfortable, oh-so-soft and just such a fun accessory for my camera. Out with that boring yellow and black Nikon strap and in with the new trendy MOD camera scarf strap.

I mean, isn’t it just adorable? You have to agree!

Oh yeah, and you know how I mentioned that I don’t leave the house without my camera (like, EVER), well this Luxe Purse Camera Bag just screams trendy while not screaming “tourist camera bag” like my old one does. You’d never find me carrying my old camera bag but this, you’ll see my carrying it everywhere as my purse. You’d never know it’s a camera bag but yet I can carry all of my camera necessities with me everywhere I go, keep them safe and organized and look good doing so!

It’s the best of both worlds.

MOD has so many fun and trendy camera straps and cute camera bags to fit every personality and vibe so scroll on down to see my new favorite trendy camera accessories from MOD and take a browse through their site to see which ones will best accent your personality.

Happy shooting!

Photography by Briana Lindsey Photography