Jenn Hallak

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Mommy and Me Clothes | Burnt Orange + Bell Bottoms

Another week, another mommy and me outfit and I think this may be my favorite one to date! I mean, aren’t those bell bottoms just adorable?! Both of them (if I may say so myself).

This week has been a bit stressful — trying to get our house all packed up, Franky not wanting to be put down for even two minutes, getting ready to head out of town this weekend for a press trip, Baxter’s little surgery yesterday and ughhh… I just can’t wait for this month to be over!

But in the meantime, I’ll continue my weekly JuJuBe Giveaways and mommy and me outfits of the week because those are a couple of things that always make me smile. And I need some extra smiles in my life, right about now.

So here they are — our mommy and me outfits of the week and of course, I’m gifting that JuJuBe Diaper Bag (which could totally just be used as a work bag or purse) to one of you. Head on over to my Instagram to enter the giveaway and if you love these cute kids outfits or anything we’re wearing, shop it all at the links below!

Shop Our Looks!

Grey Leather JuJuBe Purse
Women’s Leopard Shoes | Kids Leopard Moccasins
Women’s Orange Pants | Kids Orange Jumpsuit
Orange Baby Beanie | Striped Baby T-Shirt