Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide | Day 12

Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide | Day 12

Still pregnant but that sun is shining and I’m really just trying to find peace in knowing that my little man will come when he’s ready to come. Far easier said than done but hey, I’m trying over here! I’m getting lots of one-on-one time with my little girl these last couple of weeks as an only child and oh-so-many snuggles from both Ava and Baxter this week — Maybe they know something I don’t know? Wishful thinking, huh?

We’re on Day 12 of our Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide and my goodness these are some super cute kids clothes we’ve got to show you today. This “Gimme Jesus” kids tee from Our Little Arrows, these cute leather kids boots from Adelisa & Co. that we love so much (can you tell by how much she wears them?), a gold baby headwrap from Mini Prep Boutique, the cutest baby purse from JuJuBe that Ava always insists on wearing, a tutu and some knee high socks make a pretty cute kids outfit, don’t you think? I think yes!

Shop the outfit at the links below!
Happy Sunday, loves!

Gimme Jesus Kids Shirt - Cute Baby Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Gimme Jesus Kids Shirt - Cute Baby Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Gimme Jesus Kids Shirt - Cute Baby Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Gimme Jesus Kids Shirt - Cute Baby Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Gimme Jesus Kids Shirt - Cute Baby Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Gimme Jesus Kids Shirt - Cute Baby Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Gimme Jesus Kids Shirt - Cute Baby Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Gimme Jesus Kids Shirt - Cute Baby Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Gimme Jesus Kids Shirt - Cute Baby Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

Check out these small shops on Instagram!

Mommy + Me Outfit of the Week [ + a JuJuBe Diaper Bag Giveaway]

Mommy + Me Outfit of the Week [ + a JuJuBe Diaper Bag Giveaway]

Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide | Day 11

Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide | Day 11