Jenn Hallak

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Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide | Day 26

Today’s the last day of school for my baby girl and I cannot believe she just completed her first year of school. I’m so proud of my little munchkin and all she’s learned and grown over this school year and I can’t wait to get this summer started!

But before I head out to drop her off (and snag a butt load of coffee since Franky was up all night), of course I’ve got to show off a little bit of fashion for ya.

It’s Day 26 of our Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide (only one more day left after this!) and this super cute kids outfit has got to be one of my faves! Agreed?

If you see any
cute kids clothes or shops you love here and want to check out,
just click the links below to take a browse!

Check out these small shops on Instagram!