[WISH LIST] 16 Mommy + Daughter Outfits

[WISH LIST] 16 Mommy + Daughter Outfits

Two things I love more than anything in life are online shopping and mommy-daughter outfits. Well...after my family, God, and of course, chocolate and peanut butter. But other than those four things, shopping online for mommy + me outfits is pretty much the best thing ever. And I'm guessing you'd have to agree with me.

You guessed it, I've been searching high and low for cute mommy-daughter online shops for quite some time now and today, I'm showing off some of my faves...the one's that have been sitting on my wish list for far too long now. In other words, this is my published list of "cute clothes I need to buy" (since I don't own most of these...yet) but hey, I figured I would help you create your list while I'm at it ;)

If you see anything you love, just click on the image and it will take you right to the shop that sells it!

This is my happy list.

This is my happy list.

Walkin' into Saturday like...

Walkin' into Saturday like...