Jenn Hallak

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Adorable Multi-Use Nursing Covers from The Blissful Trenders

Sponsored with love, by The Blissful Trenders

A couple weeks back we decided to have a nice dinner in Malibu at the hotel Frank proposed to me at and we brought Ava with us. She had just gotten a new baby doll from Target that day so we brought it in with us. Right when we got there, Ava was hungry so I placed her baby doll in the high chair and put her under my floral multi use nursing cover from The Blissful Trenders.

As Ava was still eating, our waiter came to the table to introduce himself and get our drink order but before he said anything, he looked down and saw the baby doll sitting in the high chair...and got the strangest look on his face.

"Do you have a baby coming or is this your baby?"

Oh my goodness. He thought we were crazy! I quickly pointed at Ava's feet hanging out of the nursing cover and we all laughed.

And that, right there, is why I LOVE my nursing covers from The Blissful Trenders so much -- They are so cute that they don't even look like nursing covers and mine totally passed as normal every day attire.

The Blissful Trenders has so many multi-use nursing covers in the most adorable prints and you can also use them as a scarf, a car seat cover, a high chair or shopping cart cover and they've even added a new design with a slit in the side for more air flow for the baby inside. Better yet, that little slit allows you to wear it as a darling shirt whether pregnant or nursing so you don't even have to bring a cover along with you!

If you want to take peek at all of their cute designs, click the link below. And don't forget to take a browse at some of my favorites!

Photography by Briana Lindsey Photography