My [updated] Skin Care Routine

My [updated] Skin Care Routine

A couple months back I posted my skin care routine that I do morning and night but since it’s constantly changing as I try new products out and switch things up, I figured this would be the perfect time to update it - so here it goes!

A little recap + background on my skin:

I’ve never struggled with acne or breakouts and heck, I used to never even wash my makeup off my face before bed but then kids happened and the hormonal acne took over. I tried multiple products, many systems and finally tried Tula and it worked. No, they are not paying me to say any of this and I purchase all of their products with my own money - it is not given to me. I truly truly love Tula and it changed my skin for the better… and got rid of that hormonal pregnancy acne I just couldn’t get under control.

But I did ask them for a discount code I can give out (and use for myself) so here’s that ;)

Tula Code: Hallak15

Here’s my skin the day I started using Tula and a couple months later - March 29, 2020 vs. June 10, 2020.


toner + foaming cleanser + 24/7 moistruizer

And then it changed my skin so much that I’ve continued to purchase from them, add products to my routine and I’ve never stopped using their products since that first day back in March 2020. Don’t worry, I’ll show you all the products I am currently using, loving and trying out… even the non Tula produts!


So here it is, my current morning and night time skin care routine:

cleanser + toner pads + eye serum + lash serum + wrinkle treatment + Vitamin C + turmeric + wrinkle moisturizer + glow stick + vaseline + sunscreen

And yes, I do it in that order from left to right but skip out on the sunscreen at night time, of course.
And I’ll include a couple notes below on the products I’m using but won’t be buying again (and the reasons why)
as well as the products I will be trying next (or have tried before!).

  • eye serum: I don’t love it but I don’t hate it, just don’t feel like it’s necessary so I will be using up the bottle and then not buying more

  • eyelash serum: I just started using it last week and people said give it 6 weeks to judge it so I will update in about a month

  • wrinkle treatment: it’s pricey but I love that I can feel the sting when I put it on - I’ll be trying out a new wrinkle serum (below) to see which I prefer

  • protect + plump moisturizer: another pricey one that I don’t know is worth it + it smells bad! I’ll be replacing it with my 24/7 moisturizer I’ve always loved once the bottle is all used up

Edit as of 8-12-2021: I’m not in love with the “firm up” and I prefer the other wrinkle cream I tried before this! I don’t dislike it, but I don’t really feel anything… no tingle, no real feeling at all. Once this bottle is used up I won’t be purchasing that one again :)


And then lastly, these are the Tula products I don’t use every day but still love:


And lastly lastly (and also un-related to Tula or any skin care products), I got this electric facial cleansing brush a couple weeks back and I am loving it!
I’ll link it here for you if you want to check it out!

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