Non-Candy Easter Basket Stuffer Ideas
I’ve got so many good Easter basket stuffer ideas for you but before we get to the fun part, I wanted to give a big fat PSA…
You DO NOT need to give your kids baskets with all the things. This is simply an extended list of a variety of items I found and thought, “Oooh this would make a great Easter basket stuffer for the kids!” Not that it matters what we do but our kids will not be getting all of this in their baskets. We prefer to keep the holidays simple and sweet and while that not be what you prefer to do, I wanted to mention this so no one feels less than. When I was a kid, our baskets were empty and we had a blast searching for some candy around the house and plastic eggs in the backyard. But my husband’s tradition as a kid was to have the basket already filled… so we’ve brought in both traditions as best we can while trying not to make anything too extravagant. So do what you wish but just remember, anything you do is more than enough to make their day.
And with that being said, here it goes - a whole list of fun Easter basket stuffer ideas for a whole wide range of kids ages and likes - kids Easter pajamas, monogrammed blankets, magnet sets, bunny baby instruments, Easter coloring books and so many cute ideas! And the majority of it your kids will get plenty of use out of too (that’s something I always aim for… less nick knacks that’ll be used one and done).
I linked everything below for you if you see anything your kids would love too and yes, those darling monogrammed Easter baskets are linked too! Pottery Barn Kids has so many darling prints for them - my husband can attest for the amount of time I spent attempting to decide on those - it was such a hard decision for me!! And those Easter basket bows?! Like oh my gosh!!