Jenn Hallak

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Play Dates: My breath of fresh air.

This morning we had a couple of product shoots for some fun stuff I've got coming for you all very soon. And photoshoot days always double as play dates with one of Ava's besties, Oliver. He just so happens to be Briana (our photographer's) son so it works out quite nicely, I must say.

You know why I love play dates so much? It's a chance to talk to a real, live adult.

I've gotta say, one of the most exhausting things about being a stay at home mom is talking to a baby all day long. You smile until your cheeks hurt, you talk in your happiest, upbeat voice ALL DAY LONG, you giggle until the giggles turn into oh-so-fake giggles but you just keep them going, and the most exhausting part? You ask questions, tell stories and talk the day away with absolutely no response on the other end. I mean, I get a bit of gibberish here and there but the fact that I can't communicate with an adult all day long is exhausting.

Play dates are just the relaxation I need -- they're what keep me going throughout the week. Alright, so chasing a couple of toddlers around, trying to make sure they don't climb on the wrong things or fall off the high things or eat the gross things or pull the plants out of the planters may not sound like relaxation to you but talking to an adult, a real live adult in front of me, is seriously all I need. It's my breath of fresh air and is totally something I need to survive.

And better yet? You get to talk about your baby all day long...because who doesn't love talking about their baby? I think every mama can relate.

Anyhow, we stumbled upon the most adorable little outdoor patio area this morning so of course, we had to snap some shots of the babies together. You know, so on their wedding day we can pretty much document their entire lives growing up together in one, adorable slideshow.


Well...I may be kidding but clearly Ava's got all the heart eyes for Oliver and Oliver's got all the heart eyes for those succulents. I'm right there with you, O!

Briana snapped some of the most adorable photos of our babes that I've ever seen and I just couldn't decide which one to post on Instagram. So I'm going to be honest with you, that's the real reason I just rambled on about my day. I just wanted to have an excuse to post them all!

But there's no chance these won't put a smile on your face so it was totally worth you reading all the way to here, I promise. You can thank me later :)

Briana Lindsey Photography