Jenn Hallak

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Pregnancy Announcement | Baby Hallak #4

So I guess this is typical Baby #4 problems but I just realized I haven’t blogged a single thing about this pregnancy…whoops! With Ava and Franky I took weekly bump photos (yes, weekly… commitment) and with Hayes I did it every 1-2 months. And blogged them all.

Better late than never? So here’s a little recap of my pregnancy with baby #4:

If you missed our pregnancy announcement, here it is for you to watch!

On February 22nd I took a pregnancy test (that strip you see below) and there was a very slight line on there. You may not be able to see it from the computer screen but it for sure was there, just super duper light. So I ran to Target, grabbed a digital test, took it and nothing.

“Not pregnant.”

At this point, I wasn’t even feeling down because I knew what I saw. I knew there was a line there so the next morning I woke up, took that digital and I got my “Pregnant.” Of course I couldn’t wait so I got Ava ready for school and asked Frank if he would help me film a really quick reel.

Click that button to see how it all played out:

Then Grandma came in town and we told her with that champagne bottle (above) and told my dad when he came in town the following week. I’ll have to post those videos and link them soon because they were both pretty cute to watch!

And of course, Ava started coming up with ALL the girl names — just one of her lists is above. She’s totally into it and it’s the cutest thing ever!

And then came the day when we got our gender results. The doctor called me and I told her to call Frank (just like we did with Franky and Hayes) and he did that gender reveal for all of us:

So far we’ve had 2 ultrasounds — at 9 weeks and 11 weeks and you need to watch this ultrasound video to see the huge difference just two weeks makes!

And finally, here are my first three bump photos at 4 weeks, 7 weeks and 12 weeks. And I will try to post updates on here more often moving forward but I guess mostly for me, because it’s so fun to look back at all of these from the other kids and I want that for this baby boy too!